
Monday, January 16, 2012

366-16 Plus 1000 Gifts!

Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him. Proverbs 14:31

We just recently finished a great book by Frances Chan called "Crazy Love."  I am not sure if any of you have read any of his books but I would say this book is so worth it! The book or the message in the book is definitely not a fun read.  It is hard core, get in your face, and really look at your walk with Jesus.  I mean come on, we only have a few short years on earth, what are we doing with it?? We read it as a family and it brought up many discussions about our faith, theology and of course some tears to.  

I want to be sold out for my Jesus! I don't want to waste this life feeling very COMFORTABLE!!! I can see how for many years I have been very comfortable and I feel the Lord nudging me "to get out there and show people who I Am"!

So, this week, I am going to live intentionally, and have my eyes open for opportunities that He gives me to LOVE!  Not just in my comfortable home, but EVERYWHERE!

Pick up the book.....
It is a good one....

So with that... I am still counting my 1000 Gifts!

246. My new grand baby

247. Eyes to see

248. Ears to hear

249. Holy Spirit in me to direct and use me

250. Four weeks at the same church... getting somewhere...

251. My children's laughter

252. Fun bike ride yesterday after church...

253. God's Word.. God's Word.... God's Word... We are so fortunate to be able to pick His word up and read it anytime....

254. My hubby...

255. My life...

I am ready Jesus!


  1. This a great picture Kim!!! So true about that book- I told you it messed me up but in a good way. :-)

  2. Great post, great picture and GREAT GOD!!!! I love what you said about getting out there and showing people who I AM!!! I love that!!! I'll have to read that book when I am done with this other one I am reading...Love you Friend!!!!!

  3. Awesome picture. Putting the book on my list!

  4. Oh yes...that book is a MUST READ!!! Amazing book!

  5. Love your list! I'm going to get the book out of our church library! Thanks for the review.

