
Sunday, December 18, 2011


Bokeh baby!!!!! We are on the road again!  We came home for the week to be with our family at Christmas. So that means I got to see my girl Denise.  I went to her house to talk about a ministry that we will be doing later this week.  I love to serve the Lord with her!  We make a great team.  Anyway, she showed me step by step bokeh and these are the results. I found out that my lens needs to be on manual and I don't have manual focus.  Ugh!  But, I was determined.  I grabbed her camera and shot away.  These are the results!  Yeah for my girl Denise!


  1. Love you my friend!!! SOOO much!! The best part about being together today was worshipping JESUS at service today!! What a treat!!
    Love yo bokeh baby :)

  2. You could also focus on something in front of the lights and get bokeh. Just need a low aperture.

    Great job!

  3. Doesn't look as bright as it should have been (low ISO). Will need more practice but great first time Bokeh, baby!

  4. Looks amazing- just like that fabulous post on the Library visit- I'm just in from work at local university library and it was nothing like that! Have a fabulously festive week- looking forward to seeing the Willows soon!

  5. Yippee!!!! You did it!!! I knew it would happen for ya. Great, great job!!! Very pretty. :)

  6. Woop Woop! Great job and pats on the back for keeping at it :-)
