
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Here I am!

Hello Blogging World!

It has been awhile!

I have decided to pick up my little blog again.  I miss the simple format of posting sweet pics. A lot has changed in the 4 years since I last blogged. The biggest one is that We ARE EMPTY NESTERS!!

My husband also retired a year ago... and my youngest moved across the country for work!

We moved back to our home town which was a hard move but we moved with several purposes. One was to take care of my aging daddy and the other was to prepare for retirement.  Well, the years of taking care of my daddy zoomed by and he went to his heavenly home in 2022. It was and is very hard without him. My faith gets me through.

My life has been ever changing since 2019 when we moved back.  First, my step mom passed, my daddy moved in with us, we moved states, my son got married, my daughter finished college and got a dream job (but moved far far away) and my husband retired.


It is a lot to take.  I am trying to figure out who I am... and most days I do ok. Other days not so much.

This little blog will be used to jot down memories, get back into taking pictures, share some of my traveling adventures and hopefully share some of my faith along the way.

I hope you can tag along.

